Recent Clients & Partners
Arts Organizations:
Art Institute of Chicago
Art Omi & The Pavilions at Art Omi
Berkshire Botanical Gardens
Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
FreshGrass Foundation & Music Festival
GCAM | Global Cultural Asset Management
Hill Art Foundation
Hudson River Maritime Museum
James Cohan Gallery
MIT Public Art, LIST Art Museum
The Momentary at Crystal Bridges
Storm King Arts Center
Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago
Smith College Museum of Art
Williams College Museum of Art
Beatriz Cortez, Los Angeles
Christine Tarkowski, Chicago
Jitish Kallat, Mumbai
Pope.L, Chicago
Spencer Finch, New York
Younes Rahmoun, Morocco
Architecture & Construction:
ARUP, Boston
Berkshire Hills Development Corp, North Adams
Bruner-Cott Architects, Boston
Cleveland Construction, Charlotte
Greylock Land, Washington, D.C.
Equity Group Investments, Chicago
MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects, Halifax
The Porches Inn, North Adams